Creeks at Gibraltar Point
On Friday we went to Gibraltar Point to test our hypothesis that different plants grow in different places because of the environment. We started off by testing the wind speed and temperatures in the upper, middle and lower sections of the salt marsh. We also used a quadrat which has ten points on it to measure what plants were where and how spread out they were. We did that ten times for each section of the marsh.
In the afternoon we were trying to find out about different plants across all three sections. We used a large measuring tape and poles to find out the percentage of plants in that area. We also used a grid quadrat to estimate the percentage of each plant in that grid. As earlier in the morning, we measured wind and temperature but we also measured how the height of the ground changed using a clinometer. We did that for 80m but, before the end, Emily Grace and I did not spot one of the main creeks and so face planted into the mud and got stuck.
At the end we had time to play in the creeks which meant we got absolutely filthy with mud and clay. We also had a really good game of family “tig” though!