Forest Fun in the Sun
At last we are getting back to normal and taking full advantage of the fabulous September weather to appreciate our Forest School. Everyone has enjoyed lots of Forest time and even done a spot of cooking.
Year 1 had a berry walk then learnt how to make a very fine desert. Year 2 also had a berry walk and made a delicious hedgerow jam. Year 3 had their berry walk and collected lots of elderberries and blackberries to make cordial and Year 4's berry walk resulted in some delicious rosehip syrup.
Years 5 and 6 have had outdoor art sessions this term in the woods and 5C made clay Green men and glazed them. Their final session in this block also had them toasting "sugared apples. Year 6 have made animal candle pots and they will complete their three week block next week with an edible treat.