St Hugh’s Golf Challenge, Woodhall Spa Golf Club 3.00pm
TEAM: Y4-8 Golf
VENUE: Away - Woodhall Spa Golf Club, LN10 6ST
DATE: Thursday 9th June
COACH: Mr Pickering
CHANGE: 1.20pm/after PE or Swimming
LUNCH: Normal Lunch
START TIME: 3.00pm
Harry S, Freddie, Ailsa, Megan B, Sophie, Toby O, Wilf H-S, Ted, Elias H-B, Ellis, Rory S, Aydin T
NOTES: Year 6 will be taken to Woodhall GC from Lincoln Castle. They should therefore come to school in their golf gear. Any clubs can be left with Mr Pickering on Thursday morning.
"Golf is becoming popular at St Hugh’s so last Thursday we had the first ‘official’ school golf tournament. Twelve pupils were selected to take part and we used the practice holes next to the driving range at Woodhall Spa Golf Club. Although the holes are quite short, they are tricky with a number of bunkers and some fast undulating greens. The pupils played twelve holes in total. There was a range of ages taking part from Year 8 down to Year 4. I was very impressed with everyone's Tee shots - there were a number that landed on the green and ended up quite close to the hole. Putting proved to be trickier and the players with the best control with their putting were the ones who scored lowest.
In third place was Megan B who went round in 55. Second was Ellis R with 53 and the 2022 champion was Ailsa F who won by 1 shot with a fantastic 52. Well done to all the players."
Mr Pickering