Achievements of the Week
Awards for the week commencing Monday 27th September go to...
Acorn Class
- Star of the Week — Priya for being so enthusiastic and participating in the school routine.
Conker Class
- WOW Award — Georgia for fantastic number knowledge.
Chestnut Class
- Merit Award — Joshua for being a persevering parrot when getting dressed.
- WOW Award — Barnes for super number recognition.
Year 1
- Merit Award — Emelia for being such a lovely friend and joining everyone in with your games.
- WOW Award — Cecily for trying so hard with your Maths this week.
Year 2
- Merit Award — George for being kind to the younger boys and letting them join in his game.
- WOW Award — Hetty for excellent work at home Especially her self portrait!
Boarding Star of the Week
- Francesca B for helping to set up supper. Thank you!
Prep-School Citizenship Awards
- Euan B — When Mrs Eldridge needed some headphones and, without thinking, offered his.
- Poppy W— Who helped to put equipment away when it was not her duty and was especially helpful collecting equipment from the little ones and reminding them to bring their equipment back.