Hobbies’ List

A wide and varied range of hobbies and activities are available to the pupils four days a week after academic lessons have taken place between 4.10pm and 5pm.

As well as opportunities to improve their sport, musical or acting skills pupils can participate in many different activities over the 3 terms – literally from A to Z.


11+ Revision Guitar Club Potty Time Pottery
5 A-side Football Hama Beads Pupil's School Magazine
Air Rifle Shooting Horse Riding Purple Mash Computing
Aquathlon Training Improve Athletics Rugby 7s
Art Hobby inc Scholarship Italian for Beginners Running Club
Artistic Alphabet Judo with Cassey Seasonal Crafts & Hama
Arts & Crafts  Junior Croquet Senior Cricket 
Badminton & Table Tennis Junior Girls' & Boys' Football Senior School Play
Bikewise Junior Mixed Hockey Senior Tennis
Boys' Hockey Junior Netball Sewing
Calligraphy Junior Play Sports Hall Activities
Cartoon Creations Junior Tennis Summer Ball Games
Croquet Just Colour Swim Squad
Curriculum Clinic inc Chess Lego Hobby Tennis Coaching at Tattershall Tennis Club
Dance inc Zumba Lego Robotics Touch Rugby
Debating Musical Ensembles Trampoline
D&T inc Scholarship Origami Veggie Patch Kids
Edinburgh Tour Performance Athletics Year 8 Summer Games
Girls & Junior Cricket  Plastic Model Making Yoga
Golf Coaching At Woodhall Pop Lacrosse  
Grade 5 Music Theory    
Grand Designs    


There are many opportunities for pupils to participate in educational trips and holidays.

There are annual trips to France for Years 5 and 7 which are included within the fees as are all trips and experiences during the school week. This also includes the Year 8 Outdoor Activities week in Cumbria which takes place during their last term.

In Years 7 & 8 the sports teams have opportunities to participate in sports tours.