Year 1


Miss Lara Fish


The School Day

The school week runs from Monday to Friday. Registration is at 8.30am every day but you are able to leave your child in the appropriate classroom from 8.15am, provided the class teacher is there.

The end of the day is 3.30pm and the children will be handed over to you from the door at the end of West Corridor, please wait outside for your child to be sent to you. Your child has a named peg for coats and bags. They can also keep their outdoor trainers and wellies in school. In the class they have a named tray for work, books and things to take home, you may wish to remind them to look in their tray at home time.

Please Note: We require permission before allowing anyone other than parents to collect children from the school at any time. Therefore, parents must inform staff if their child is being collected by someone other than themselves. This can be a note in their reading record book or a call to the School Office.


Wrap-around Care

Children in Year 1 can be booked in for Breakfast, After School Club and Holiday Club.  There is a charge for these arrangements and bookings must be made in advance.    Please call in at the office for booking forms and information on activities and timings for each event.  Information on these is sent home at regular intervals.


The School Timetable

In addition to the emphasis upon Numeracy and Literacy, children in our department are offered a full and varied curriculum. Although expectations are high, we also encourage the children to have fun. We have overarching topics that hope to stimulate and engage the children in their learning.  We send out a termly newsletter that details these topics and gives further information about the term ahead. Class taught subjects include Numeracy, Literacy, Humanities (Geography, History and RE), Art and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education ).

Your child will also be taught by subject specialists for the following subjects:

  • French 
  • ICT
  • Music 
  • Swimming 
  • Forest School


The school places a great emphasis on curriculum enrichment through trips and visits.  Every term your child will be able to enjoy some form of curriculum enrichment as part of their topic. These are on the school calendar every term and over the past few years have included trips to the National Space Centre, Lincoln Castle, Tattershall Castle, the Collection, The Cottage Museum, Skegness Aquarium, Woodside Wildlife Centre, Heckington Windmill, and the Lincolnshire Wildlife Park. We have had visits from war veterans and theatre companies, as well as various charities and local groups. All of this helps us to build links with the local community and encourage the children to be part of that community and value it as much as we do.



Communication between staff and parents is vital to an excellent working relationship and ensuring that your child gets the maximum out of his or her time at St Hugh's. Your child will be given a daily Reading Record book. Please use this to share any comments and feedback on their school day or small issues. If you have anything you wish to discuss face to face, your child’s Class Teacher is happy to see you at the end of the day. We ask that you make an appointment to do this by writing a note in your child’s Reading Record book or contacting the School Office. 

Towards the end of each term you will receive an update on your child’s progress. You will be given the opportunity to meet with the class teacher to discuss their progress should you wish to do so.  Parents are also invited to attend various events throughout the year, including the Nativity play, Sports Day, Elocution Competition, intra-school swimming gala and termly class assemblies. Once again all of this information will be included in the termly calendar.