Boarding in the spring Term

Boarding this term looks set to be great fun. Besides this term’s special trip to Crazee Bongos there are activities each evening after tea and prep.  

  • Monday is cooking with Mr Pickering and Mrs Cash-James where the boarders will be baking some tasty treats
  • Tuesday there will be team games such as dodgeball in the Sports Hall with Mrs Bonner-McKenzie and Mr McDonnell
  • Wednesday is a “chillax” evening of films, games and hide and seek with Mr Jeffery and Madame Clayton
  • Thursday evenings will be competitive board games including monopoly, card game, scrabble and trivial pursuits with Mr Goodhand and Mrs Costello
  • Friday is a fun swim in the pool with Mr Sinnott, Mrs Appleton, Mr McDonnell and Miss Bingham

Our boarding provision is extremely flexible - full-time, weekly or simply on an occasional basis - and if you are interested in more details please contact the office.