Boarding Update - Week 5
What a busy end to the half term! It has been so lovely seeing lots of faces around the house. We have had pancakes, candy floss, Chinese food and of course a fantastic evening at Crazee Bongos.
Monday: Monday night saw our boarders make pancakes with Mr Pickering and Miss Bingham. This proved to be an interesting evening as some of their pancake flipping abilities were put into question… however, thankfully they all tasted great! Amelia and Nathan made sure their pancakes looked like a work of art adding plenty of toppings. The evening was then spent relaxing and watching television.
Tuesday: Crazee Bongo’s woooo!! Our boarders had an exciting evening ahead of them, and it was very nice to see some new faces up in the boarding house. The children had so much fun running around and playing games such as hide and seek and den building. Mr McDonnell couldn’t help himself so decided to do a running jump into the ball pit, whilst Miss Bingham thought she could outrun Esme and Amelia into the playing area. Everyone had a great time and thank you again to Mrs Mason for allowing us to have the whole place to ourselves! When we got back to school, the children were winding down and were ready for their beds.
Wednesday: Wednesday evening was nice and relaxed. The boarders helped Miss Hainsworth make cotton candy. We had some snacks with that too and watched a good film. Ela also came down to help out which is always good fun. The children were all tired out from playing their matches in the day! Unfortunately, our mission to complete the huge jigsaw hasn’t quite been acheived with Miss Bingham still proud she managed to fit one piece into place.
Thursday: The boarding hobby was a quiz and games with Mr Goodhand and Mrs Costello. All had a lot of fun getting competitive and their faces lit up when Mr Goodhand awarded them with chocolate bars afterwards. The boarders, especially Nathan, very much enjoyed the film that evening. We didn’t get to finish it before bed, but will make sure it gets finished sometime in the new term. The children were also treated with a Chinese, but Miss Bingham ‘forgot’ the prawn crackers which didn’t impress Miss Hainsworth - sorry … everyone went to bed excited for half term the next day!
We hope everyone had a relaxing half term break.