Cleaning Roman Artefacts

Year 3 were excited to meet Mr David Wood, an archaeologist from a charity called Sharp, who came to lead a Roman dig. Unfortunately, due to the adverse weather, the unearthing of finds wasn't able to go ahead but the rain could not dampen Year 3's spirits! After a short presentation, Year 3 got straight into handling various Roman artefacts. The objects were cleaned, recorded, drawn and the uses of each find discussed. The enthusiasm shown by each and every one of the students was fantastic! The children were particularly impressed by the images of Mr Wood's most recent find; a fully intact Roman cremation pot! The highlight of the morning was taking on the role of the field walker, holding Maggie the Magnetometer and hearing her beep!  One pupil commented that "it was cool that we got to handle and touch real Roman artefacts!"

Year 3 look forward to inviting Mr Wood back to carry out the dig at some point in the future.