Eastern Area Junior Athletics Meeting 2018
Last Monday our Year 4 & 5 pupils travelled to Norwich to compete in the Eastern Area Junior Athletics. This event is always very much enjoyed by the children and, for most, it is their first opportunity to compete on a tartan track. The competition is divided into U10 (Year 4) and U11 (Year 5) and involves both track and field events. St Hugh's had a team of 23 athletes, with all competitors competing in a minimum of one track or field. There were seven competing schools with up to 19 competitors in each event.
The day was very much enjoyed by us all and it was super to see them supporting one another throughout the day. There were some very good performances on both track and field with a number of pupils qualifying for finals from their initial heats. Matthew K (70mH, 100m) Liberty D (70mH,100m) and Beth C (75m, 100m) all qualified for finals on the track.
Well done to all competitors and a special mention to the following for their outstanding performances.
Harry M High Jump - GOLD - Competition record breaker - 1.28
Beth C 75m - SILVER - 11.55
100m - GOLD - 15.58
Liberty D 100m - SILVER - 15.18
William B Long Jump - SILVER - 3.39
Thomas B Long Jump - 5th Place - 3.09
Freddie R Ball Throw - 6th Place - 32.46
Beth C/Penny V/Ruby S/Phoebe W 4x100m Relay - BRONZE - 1.12.87
All competitors are encouraged to check their performances with Mrs Felton. Our Year 4 pupils will compete at the National Prep Schools Athletics Championships next year where they have the opportunity to qualify for National Finals - watch this space!
A fabulous afternoon, well done!