Grow Your Own Way
At St Hugh’s, mental health and wellbeing is an integral part of the support we strive to give to all our children and staff throughout the year. Children’s Mental Health Week shines a spotlight on it each February and the theme for this week recognises the personal growth that we can’t necessarily see. It is also about supporting others to grow.
In school this week our children have been invited to think about their own emotional growth and to identify an aspect of this to work on.
Throughout the week, pupils will be adding their ideas to our Wellbeing Wall which has been decorated with a watering can and tree. The watering can representing things they do to feel happy and replenished whilst also taking time to think about how they can grow, signified by the tree. The Wall is already covered in lots of fantastic thoughts and ideas and we are looking forward to seeing how full it is by the end of the week.
It is a perfect way to think about how we can 'Grow Your Own Way'!