Lockdown Leavers

After working extremely hard during Lockdown and gaining entry to their first choice schools, it was great to welcome Year 8 back for their final week in July. With so many keen mountain bikers in the group, Monday was spent at Ostler's plantation, practising jumps and exploring the woods. As the bikes remained in school all week, practising jumps then become a recurring theme in school whenever an opportunity arose. On Tuesday former St Hugh's parents Robert and Becky Bell kindly lent us their lake for Year 8 to go canoeing though all bar Sam's canoe resembled a submarine by the end. After canoeing we had a barbecue lunch before looking at the cob house former Head boy Joseph Bell had made in the woods during lockdown as GCSEs were cancelled. On Wednesday we hired laser tag guns for the day and went to Highall Woods, kindly lent to us by Year 6 parents Leigh and Sarah Hall. Everyone had a fantastic time running around in the woods though Amelia found out the hard way that jumping into mud when you don't know how deep it is can be a bad idea. Thursday saw year 8 fishing and making camp fires at an old mill owned by Year 6/7 parents Dave and Sonia Elton by Horncastle flood defences. For some it was the first time fishing and, when the novelty wore off, swimming took over instead. Finally on the Friday Back2Bear came to school to run sessions of axe and knife throwing as well as whittling catapults. 

The week was rounded off with Year 8 planting the Medlar tree that had been donated to the school along with a very impressive wooden bench. Both have been placed by the forest school cabin along with the log fire Toby had made by welding old tractor parts together. Though lockdown prevented the normal range of activities to take place, it was good that they were able to have a fun end to their time at St. Hugh's and everyone wishes them the best of success at their new schools. 

Alice Applewhite - Lincoln Minster
Toby Ashton - Greshams 
Henry Battle - Rugby  
Ethan Charles - Lincoln Minster
Louis Covell -  Sedbergh, DT Scholarship
Amelia Duncan - Stamford  
Charlie Hargreaves - Uppingham 
Matthew Llewellin -   Banovallum
Kelsey Mather - Lincoln Minster, Art Scholarship
George Pocklington - Repton CB Fry Scholarship & Sport Exhibition
Alfie Rose - Repton, Drama Scholarship
Joseph Shaw - Uppingham 
Sam Studholme - Lincoln Minster, Technical Drama Scholarship