May Fete details
This year’s PA May Fete, on Friday 17th May, will be opened with Maypole dancing by Pre- Prep. Other performances throughout the event not to be missed include our very own Jazz Band, The Jazzie Dodgers, Pre-prep singing and the cast of Joseph and The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.
There will be a number of stalls run by the pupils along with refreshments, inflatables , face painting and hair feathers. Also new for 2019 is ‘Pie in the Face!’ and you can vote for which teacher will get splatted by the Head Boy and Head Girl as the Fete finalé!
The success of the Fete is obviously dependent on donations, so the PA are asking for any of the following items to be donated. Please drop them into the School Office from now onwards and no later than Friday 10th May.
Raffle Prizes (for both children and adults). Do you own/have a business contact that could offer prizes for the raffle? For example, vouchers, experiences, tickets for events or gifts that we can use to make up hampers?
- Wine for the water or wine stall.
- Preloved teddies and toys, in good condition please (no books this year thank you as we have a surplus!).
- Chocolate for the tombola.
- Cakes, bakes & biscuits can be brought to the Pavilion on Friday 17th May from 8.30am onwards. Please name all containers if you would like them to be returned!