School Games Aquasplash Regional Qualifier, Louth Meridian

Venue: Louth Meridian Leisure Centre, LN11 8RS

Coaches: Mrs Felton, Miss Wood, Mr McDonnell

Start Time: 1.00pm

Return Time: Approx 4.30pm

U11 Team

Harry M
Morgan D
Joseph S
George P
Charlie H
Esme M
Alice A
Aurora F
Jasmine G
Amelia D

U9 Team

Freddie H
Harrison S
Harry H
Henry E
Kai B
Helena F
Beth C
Ruby S
Freya B
Annabel T

Notes: Pack red bags Thursday 11.00am (costume/jammas, white polo, 2 towels, goggles, water bottle). Travelling in uniform.

Please inform Mrs Felton ( if you would like to take your son/daughter home from the event (approx 3.30pm).


Despite being depleted in number, St Hugh's once again performed extremely well in the School Games Swimming last Thursday. We entered both the U9 and U11 competition which required us to have 5 girls and 5 boys per team swimming both individual and team events. 

The St Hugh's swimmers held their own across the board and there were some outstanding performances in some competitive races. St Hugh's won the Coastal Schools competition by a clear margin at both age groups and we now qualify for the county championships on Friday 23rd March. This event will see all the winners of each Lincolnshire area battling it out for the county title.  St Hugh's have won this for two years running so we will be training hard in the forthcoming weeks to defend this title! Well done to all swimmers!