St. Hugh’s Aquathlon (AM)

Aquathlon - Event Information


Please park in the sports hall car park at the rear of the school. LN10 6TQ.

Registration (red marquee)

Year 5 & 6           9.00am

Year 2, 3, 4           10.15am

Please allow sufficient time to register, study the course map, prepare running kit for transition and warm up.  Pupils will receive a competitor number for the run along with safety pins to attach to their t-shirt.  There will be people on hand to help with this.  Their number will also be written on their left upper arm for the swim.  Staggered start times will be provided at registration but all children to be ready on poolside 10 minutes before official start time.

Transition (white marquee)

Once they have been through registration they should take their running gear to transition (trainers and t-shirt as a minimum).  There will be a marshal there to show them where they should put this and it corresponds to their competitor number.  Competitors must wear suitable running footwear and they will have their laces checked prior to leaving transition. They may want a towel/talc to dry feet but this is down to the individual.  Girls may wear shorts over their swimming attire if preferred.

Changing (Pool changing rooms)

Once pupils have been to transition they should go to the pool changing rooms and from there straight onto poolside where they will sit in order ready for their start time. Changing rooms will be supervised throughout the morning but I would suggest leaving any valuables at home or with a parent/guardian.  Please note that parents will not be permitted to enter the changing rooms.

Start (Poolside)

Year 5/6               9.30am

Year 2/3/4           10.45am

Pupils will go off in waves (4 lanes).  We will brief all competitors prior to the start on swimming rules and the course so there is no need for them to worry about not knowing what to do.  Please note that children can swim any stroke on their front. No diving. The course will have marshals.

Finish (Opposite Pavilion)

On crossing the finish line competitors will receive a finisher’s certificate.  Please ensure children then return promptly to the pool changing rooms to avoid getting cold.  Once changed, they can collect a drink and snack by the pavilion and support those who are still racing. Refreshments will be available for spectators in the Pavilion throughout the morning.  Please can I ask that competitors DO NOT enter the Pavilion.

There will be a short presentation by the Pavilion after each event with medals being awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd boy and girl in Year 5/6 and Year 3/4.  Please note that our Year 2 pupils are not being timed.  Year 5/6 presentation approximately 10.15am and Year 3/4 presentation 11.30am.


We are always very grateful to our spectators for supporting the children.  Please can I ask that you remain behind any roped areas once the event has started.

Good luck and enjoy the morning!