Surprise Staffroom Christmas Eve Panto
As a surprise for all the pupils the staff performed a specially written pantomime.
School has broken up, it’s Christmas Eve, the staff are snoozing in the staffroom and two mischievous elves tiptoe in and change the time on the clock and ………. steal the keys to the minibus!!! How are the staff going to get home for Christmas? It then starts snowing so Miss Ward dons her climbing gear and heads out but the snow is too deep. Mrs Felton tries to swim home but it’s frozen and Mr Sinnott tries his best to fix the internet and phone lines….Oh yes he did!
The pupils loved seeing the two elves as each time they appeared they threw handfuls of chocolate out to the audience. Suddenly the sound of sleigh bells was heard and, naturally, Father Christmas had arrived to save the day.
Thank you to Mrs Harvey for writing the pantomime and to all the staff for a superb performance.