U10&U11; Tag Rugby v Burton Hathow (H), 2.15pm

Team: U10 Rugby

Venue: Home

Date: Wed 10th November

Coach: Mr Pickering


Change: 1.20pm

Lunch Time: 12.40pm

Start Time: 2.15pm

Estimated return Time: 4pm

U10 Team Members: William L, Euan P, Charles B, William C, Rupert B-W, Austin-James S, Charlie T, Max D, Fergus V, Toby O, Elias H-B


Blue Games Kit,  water bottle essential. 

There will be 2 6 a-side touch rugby matches.


Team: U11

Venue: Home

Date:10 November 2021

Coach: Mr J Wyld


Change: Normal time

Lunch Time: As normal 

Start Time: 2.30pm

Estimated Return /Finish Time: 3.30pm

U11 Team Members: Jenson, Aydin, Arthur, Toby, Euan, Matthew, Raul, Ted, Wilf, William


Please remember mouthguards, water bottles and tracksuits.

Due to the numbers available from Burton Hathow, this will be a 6-a-side TAG or Touch tournament played to U9 rules.

Match Reports:

U9 Team Match Report

Result: Won 12-11

A very closely fought contest saw every boy have a good stint on the pitch as we swapped personnel on a regular basis during the match. We passed the ball assuredly and several players are now timing their supporting runs to collect the ball with good momentum, ensuring they can break through the lines with greater ease. Particularly good today were Keagan N and Sam H. Again there were some excellent individual tries - amongst them, Noah ran superbly down the line for his try.

U10 Team Match Report

Result: Win

As Burton Hathow are relatively new to rugby it was decided to play touch rugby. Instead of the usual tactic of running through the opposition, we needed to pass the ball quicker and get the ball wide to the wingers. We did this very effectively and it was soon apparent that we were much stronger than the opposition. The referee allowed Burton Hathow 10 tackles rather than 6 in order to even the game up and this allowed Burton Hathow to score a try! A comfortable win for St Hugh’s and it proved a good exercise in quick ball-handling.

U11 Team Match Report

Result: 5-5

Burton Hathow came to play at St Hugh’s on Wednesday 10th November and we played three thirds of touch rugby. Arguably, because they only had 7 players versus our squad of 10, they were better able to have a consistent approach to the game but the St Hugh’s boys got into a routine of rolling substitutions and as the games evolved they were able to put some good rugby together and it was lovely to see them all work together and score some excellent tries. Well done to everyone involved and keep making the progress that you are making as each week passes.