U11A&B Football v Burton Hathow (H) 2.15pm

Venue: Home

Coach: A Mr. Jeffery. B Mr Pickering

Start Time: 2:15pm

Finish Time: 4.00pm

Morgan D (Gk)

Matthew K

Freddie N

William B

Harry M

Ethan D

Sub: Harrison S

Team selected and rotated from:

Harry S (Gk)

Eddie E

Freddie R

Jack B

Sam N

Thomas B

Timothy M

Freddie H

Notes: Remember water bottles and bring blazers to changing rooms before match. 6 a side


We picked a foul day to play our first match of the season but the opening ten minutes brightened everything up – we started well and got into our stride quickly. Harry M broke through and calmly slotted home our first goal. After some good approach play and accurate passing between Matthew (who marshalled the back line superbly), Freddie, Harry and Ethan – who is a great addition to the team – William latched onto the ball in the box and clinically finished the attack. Having grabbed another goal we allowed Burton back into the game. They had some dangerous and technically astute players and we needed to be on our mettle to repel their attacks. Morgan’s goal remained intact thanks to his good positioning and secure handling. The game became a very end-to-end affair in the second half with both teams breaking at speed. Burton scored a deserved goal to set our nerves on edge but thankfully in the dying moments a speedy break down the right by William led to a pinpoint cross to the far post where Harrison was on hand to sweep in a neat goal. The game finished 4-1. A great start boys!