Witham Cross Country

This week saw our first opportunity to compete in a virtual competition against other schools.  This was organised by Witham Hall with all competing schools being asked to host the event within their own grounds. While it was recognised that courses may vary somewhat in terrain and incline, distances were measured using Strava. 

Being a virtual event, St Hugh's opted to give all pupils in Years 3 – 8 the opportunity to compete.  This was a great way to be inclusive but also catered for our strongest runners.  Each age group battled hard for a spot in the top four, which would then form our school team. 

The St Hugh's pupils, as ever, gave their very best and it was lovely to see them enjoying competition again.  Despite racing as individuals, they showed great support for one and other and there was a real sense of team spirit. 

For some, it was about earning their place in the school team while for others it was more about the challenge of completing the course as best as they could.  Everyone rose to this challenge and should be very proud of their efforts.

Congratulations must of course go to the top four girls and boys in each age category whose results have now been submitted to the organisers.  We look forward to seeing how they performed overall. To see more photos of our pupils in action please visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=sthughslincs&set=a.1581441442026881

A special mention to our winners for some impressive times:

Year 3 Girl - India B-W
Year 3 Boy - Keegan N
Year 4 Girl - Olivia N
Year 4 Boy - Rupert B-W
Year 5 Girl - Florence L
Year 5 Boy - Aydin T
Year 6 Girl - Lucy S
Year 6 Boy - Elliot A
Year 7 Girl - Penny V
Year 7 Boy - Freddie H
Year 8 Girl - Aurora F
Year 8 Boy - William B