Duo Dash Details

We are delighted to announce that this year's charity for our end of term fun run is The Children's Society.  This charity has been selected by Red Set, led by Ethan Charles and Mrs Bonner-Mackenzie.  The Children's Society say - 

 'Right now in Britain there are children and young people who feel scared, unloved and unable to cope. The Children’s Society works with these young people, step by step, for as long as it takes.  We listen. We support. We act.  There are no simple answers so we work with others to tackle complex problems. Only together can we make a difference to the lives of children now and in the future.  Because no child should feel alone.'

The whole school, from Nursery to Year 8, will take part in our 'Black & White Duo Dash' on the final day of term, Wednesday 1st April. With mental health so prevalent in our society today, exercising, particularly with others, has huge potential to enhance our well-being. We would therefore like as many parents and friends of St Hugh's to join in and set a great example by entering themselves into the Duo Dash too!  All pupils will automatically be entered into the Duo Dash for £2, which will include race entry and a charitable contribution. Parents and friends of St Hugh's can also enter this event for £3.  Please use the link below to complete your online entry (Deadline Friday 13th March).  Pupils will be given a sponsorship form this week and will be learning about the charity. 


The Duo Dash has a black and white theme and participants will complete the fun run not only with a 'buddy', but in black and white fancy dress. As well as this being significant to the charity itself, it adds some fun and competition to the afternoon.  Prizes will be awarded for the best dressed and the best co-ordinated duo or group, so get your thinking caps on!  There are 1km, 3km and 5km options and there may even be some obstacles in your way to test you as a team player tortoise, challenging cheetah and persevering parrot! 

In addition to the Duo Dash itself, Red Set will be organising a cake stall and there will be hot dogs and other refreshments for sale as part of the 'Finish Festival'.  If you do not intend to enter the Duo Dash but would like to volunteer to help in some capacity, please complete the relevant section on the entry form link. The Duo Dash will kick off at 2.00pm, with runners setting off from 2.15pm onwards.